How To Combine Design And Marketing

Muh Fikal Nasir
5 min readJul 15, 2021
Marketing team. Group of young modern people in smart casual wear discussing something while working in the creative office

This topic is best answered with two questions: “What is Design?” and “What is Marketing?”

What is Design?

In terms of a career in design or to compare the similarities between different fields, design is typically the process of translating a visual idea or information to a medium that is easily interpreted by the viewer.

What is Marketing?

In terms of a career in marketing or to compare the similarities between different fields, marketing is a set of activities whose main purpose is to manage the process of creating, delivering, and communicating a value proposition to current and potential customers on behalf of an organization.

How Design Improves Marketing

If you’re just embarking on your first marketing campaign, or you already have, you’re probably asking yourself this question:

Just how can I market my product and improve upon the results I’m getting right now in my business?

Well, it can’t be all bad. We all want to improve and be better at our jobs. What’s more, you know what your competition is going to sell, and you know what your competition doesn’t want you selling. Why then, would you think it’s a good idea to compete in the marketplace against those people who already know what they’re doing? So you keep looking for ways to innovate to make your product more attractive to new and existing customers.

In this chapter, you will learn how you can increase the return on your advertising or market research program.

By using the same types of research tools that you already use to determine the future sales prospects of your current customers, you can create programs that will generate additional sales for you.

In this chapter, you will discover how you can improve your return on investment from your marketing. Without some kind of marketing program, you’re just another product that you’re selling that you don’t know anything about or have any kind of competitive edge on. You need a program that can attract and convert the right people to your product.

So how does it work?

For you to get the most value from the marketing effort, you need to get the return on your investment and then compare it to the cost of the effort.

There are two kinds of marketing programs: Those that focus on creating opportunities for people to make their own discovery and those that focus on helping the customer find other customers.

It’s important to understand that the first kind of marketing is more likely to be worthwhile to you if

How to Use the Power of Marketing and Design

How to Use the Power of Marketing and Design to Gain a Competitive Advantage

An innovative look at the art of creating, marketing, and effectively using the power of design, marketing, advertising and social media to leverage a competitive advantage.

Why It Matters

• You’ll learn how the world’s best marketers, designers, advertising agencies and writers turn creative talent, a fresh approach to communicating and creating value to market, and an effective use of advertising, digital and social media platforms to gain an advantage.

• In “Design & Marketing: How to Use the Power of Marketing and Design to Gain a Competitive Advantage” you’ll learn the strategies and techniques of what most consider to be the best practitioners in the field!

• A look into the world of fashion, beauty, interior design, and home décor in this comprehensive look at the creative world. It reveals how to use their talent to design exceptional merchandise that speaks to and empowers every person who enters the store.

• Get inside your brand’s marketing strategies and understand how to use design, marketing, advertising and social media to grow and differentiate yourself and offer something that few others will have the courage to take up.

• Design, social media, advertising & marketing — there’s no one way to do any of it! Whether it’s your first step, or the first of many, this book provides inspiration to use a strategic approach to developing and creating.

• This book explains what a designer is and how to define your role in this business. There is no way to define a designer better that to walk through the various roles and the creative and creative activities that are involved in the making of a design.

• It explains to all you creative types how to get the most of their gift. Creative people are truly exceptional because they see a thing and think it can be done.

Combining Design and Marketing

Combining Design and Marketing Is a Good Idea

The first step in the creation of a successful brand is an effective and compelling visual identity for your business. After all, just look at the myriad of brand-related blogs out there. If that didn’t get you excited about what your business does or where you work, I don’t know what will.

If you work in an industry where the marketing department is not involved in the design process, it’s the design that could make or break the overall success of your brand.

Think about when you buy a product. Is your brand name in the box?

If the answer to that question is no, then why are you in the market for something?

When you make that question about your brand, you’re building a foundation that will be critical in establishing the value, success, and sustainability of your business.

It’s an image that makes the consumer go “wow, your name is in the box,” or “You must be pretty good,” or “Wow, you really nailed the design and the presentation.”

Brands that sell can’t be boring or generic. They need to tell a story. That’s why a design should be memorable and inspiring. This is one of the cornerstones of design thinking…

This doesn’t take a lot of imagination:

Your brand as an image

Your products as an image

How you get your products

How you market your products

Your store as an image

Your advertising as an image

The value your offering

Your mission

The relationships you forge with your industry.



Muh Fikal Nasir

I’m passionate Graphic Designer from Indonesia, I Got My Bachelor Degree In Communications at Hasanuddin University. And Author of Blog “